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The head of the Human Rights Commission reviews the Kingdom’s efforts to combat discrimination against women in legislation and applications and highlights the achievements of Vision 2030 in empowering women
HRC News

The head of the Human Rights Commission reviews the Kingdom’s efforts to combat discrimination against women in legislation and applications and highlights the achievements of Vision 2030 in empowering women

Her Excellency the President of the Human Rights Commission, Dr. Hala bint Mazyad Al-Tuwaijri, head of the Kingdom’s delegation to the Internati...

Publish date : 08-11-2023
International Conference on Women in Islam: Status and Empowerment Concludes in Jeddah
HRC News

International Conference on Women in Islam: Status and Empowerment Concludes in Jeddah

The International Conference on Women in Islam, Status and Empowerment, hosted by the Kingdom and organized by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation...

Publish date : 08-11-2023
Dr. Hala Altuwaijri, President of the Human Rights Commission, meets with a delegation from the European Parliament's Relations with the Arabian Peninsula Mission
HRC News

Dr. Hala Altuwaijri, President of the Human Rights Commission, meets with a delegation from the European Parliament's Relations with the Arabian Peninsula Mission

Her Excellency, Dr. Hala bint Muzid Altuwaijri, President of the Human Rights Commission, met today at the Commission's headquarters in Riyadh wit...

Publish date : 30-10-2023
The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Committee organized a workshop on administrative data related to human trafficking
HRC News

The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Committee organized a workshop on administrative data related to human trafficking

The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Committee at the Human Rights Commission held a 4-day workshop at the Commission's headquarters on governance of...

Publish date : 26-10-2023
Human Rights Commission Experts: Saudi Arabia, a Regional and Global Model of Care for the Elderly
HRC News

Human Rights Commission Experts: Saudi Arabia, a Regional and Global Model of Care for the Elderly

The Human Rights Commission organized at its headquarters in Riyadh a seminar titled "Rights and Care for the Elderly", held on the occasion...

Publish date : 10-10-2023
Vice President of Human Rights Commission Discusses Cooperation with Algerian Officials
HRC News

Vice President of Human Rights Commission Discusses Cooperation with Algerian Officials

Vice President of the Human Rights Commission Dr. Hisham bin Abdulrahman Al Al-Sheikh reviewed with senior Algerian officials various developments in...

Publish date : 05-10-2023
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